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Cool Golf Towels

May 01, 2018

Serious golfers know that a golf towel is one of the essential items whose importance should not be overlooked. In fact, if you're contemplating the kind of gift to offer to a prominent golfer, look no further than a tailor-made golfer towel. Golf towels come in a variety of shapes of sizes, with some spotting custom photos or even logos of your favorite team.
Uses of golf towels

These towels have a broad array of uses, in fact, many golfers will carry multiple towels with them. It's what you use to wipe off your clubs after each shot. If you're playing on dew covered course, simply use your towel to dry your balls.  On hot sunny days, you can also use them to dry your face and hands or even wipe away your teary eyes after getting that hole-in-one. Remember to always have a spare dry golf towel just in case it rains while during your session.

Selecting a suitable towel

When it comes to selecting a golf towel, quality and durability should be your guiding principles. Consider getting a non-abrasive towel with super-absorbent properties. Cool golf towels are available from top brands in the game such as

Funny golf towels

Looking for a funny looking golf towel? Well, we haves got your back. At DavsonSales, potential buyers have the chance to browse through thousands of unique funny-looking towels. It won't be long before you stumble on a mind-blowing towel with some hilarious text or image. We help folks around the globe express their creativity and humor through handmade golf towels.

Personalized golf towels

What if there was a way to get personalized golf towels with signatures, logos or custom messages? Luckily sites such DavsonSales allow you to do just that. On such sites, you have the privilege of uploading your favorite images that you would like to appear on the golf towel. Use the built-in tools to crop or edit the custom photos to your liking. The final item will be delivered to you with free shipping costs.

If you are looking to represent your country at a golf tournament, golf towels with American print from TooLoud® USA Flag will do the trick.